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Carvings of Cyprus enclosed in resin

A unique gift, a slice of Cyprus gemstone individually carved into the shape of the island and embedded in clear casting polyester resin either as an attractive paper weight or simply for display on a stand. As a souvenir of Cyprus it cannot be matched by anything else, as it is simply a piece of the island itself.

A lot of hard work goes into the making of this unique item. First the gemstone is sliced using a diamond saw. An exact shape of the island is subsequently drawn with an aluminium pencil and then the shape is carved using a multitude of small cuts with the diamond saw. Finally the shape is defined in detail using diamond grinding wheels. The shape is subsequently embedded in clear polyester resin. When the casting hardens, it is ground using a sequence of abrasives until it is ready for final polishing. The result is a unique item of lasting value and beauty.

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